Thursday 4 November 2010

Title Names

How to approach a girl
We like this idea because it gives the audience a better view of what our film is about and this therefore allows them the choice to either want to watch the film or not.  If the title however is too vague and it doesn’t give a hint on the storyline then the audience will not know if they want to watch it or not because they don’t know what the film is about.  In addition, when watching the film they will have a thorough understanding of the storyline, thus not feeling distanced from the events. On the contrary we decided not to use this title as it limits our audience.  The title suggests that it’s about how a boy would approach a girl and therefore our main audience would be males rather than females. Males would feel more connected with the character because they are able to relate with his situation.  Another disadvantage would be that it may be stereotypical to some women because the title involves all of them in general, therefore summing up how all women should be approached by men and what works on them. This as a result could be quite offensive to women, thus limiting our audience and causing a stir between gender differences.
Three Simple Rules 
In the beginning this was our main chosen title, we thought that this would be appropriate for our film as it fits in with the script. When the young girl teaches the boy three simple rules that all men should have in order to be able to approach a girl. Also, it’s a very catchy and short title that doesn’t need much reading to it. However, similar to the first title, we thought that after a while that this title was not suitable for our film because it is shows a stereotypical view towards women because it narrows down the rules to approaching them. It could be insulting because it suggests that approaching a girl is very easy and the word ‘simple’ emphasizes this. Also the fact that is it only three rules makes it sound even more exaggerated. 
A loser like you
Finally, we thought that this title piece was more appropriate for our title film because it has a better relationship towards the comedy genre and the audience are also more aware of it. It sounds much more comic by including the word ‘loser’. Also we deliberately included the word ‘you’ as it makes them question the title because it is directed right at them. Even though this may seem as a disadvantage, we believe this title piece is much more attention-grabbing because the audience are included in the title sequence. This title is also quoted from seura’s line in the script, therefore when the audience are watching it they see the connection towards the title and the film. Due to the connection being made, the audience are able to focus on this line and therefore link it with the main character; Nabil.
Silva and Antigona

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