Monday 9 May 2011

Evaluation Questions

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

(sound recorder of question 1)

Big Bang Theory sitcom

This is penny from the sitcom Big Bang Theory. We based her character on Lilly in our film.


And this is both Rajesh and Lenard, the two characters we based Nabil on.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary  texts?

The poster we think really connects with the film really well. This is because we’ve included many aspects in the poster that help emphasize both the characters and the comic genre in the film. For example we have included:
·         A chalkboard as the background. This helps reflect on Nabil’s academic side, where he is currently doing his A2 in sixth form. To help emphasize this effect we have also decided to include chalk on each side of the board. White chalk to represent chalk itself that is used in schools and the yellow chalk to represent the title being written on the board.
·         The pictures are rotated in order to give that funky, ‘cool’ side to the comic genre. It also highlights the idea that the pictures have been stuck on the board for display (i.e. making fun of Nabil).  
·         The font on the poster is the same font as the one on the film and is both the same colour; therefore the audience can see the connection between the two.
·         The picture shows Nabil in a very uncomfortable position carrying a lot of books in his hands, showing his hurry to read as many books as possible and how he always has his ‘social’ life dedicated to his work. Additionally, the pictures background is full of books, emphasizing his stereotypical image even more.  His facial expression implies he is very uncomfortable with the idea of a picture being taken of him. This helps to underline his unpopularity, where he is not used to people taking pictures of him because he spends most of his time alone in the library; working.  
·         The picture of the kids are also shown on the poster and they are wearing the same school uniform as they were in the actual film, therefore making it easier for the audience to connect the characters from the poster to the film. Also the fact that the kids pictures is placed just above Nabil’s reflect on the film, where the kids have control and authority over Nabil, getting him to follow their rules instead of the other way round.

The combination of the main product compared with my film review is very effect in showing the genre of the short film very clearly. At the process of making the film review it was vital that i made the film review very clear for the audience to understand, for instance capturing a image from the actual film itself was powerful. This makes it look realistic, the characters being in role and their dress codes is also another aspect which worked very well in showing what the film could be about just by a glance of the images. For example, immediately  the use of the glasses and tie help replect on the protagonists character and personality . The main image of our protagonist; which is presented in the centre of the double spread is very effective as it represents his importance in our film. In the main product the audience are introduced to the protagonist instantly so therefore it made sense if the film review was essentially focused on him. The two images beside the larger image also introduces other  main characters who are connected to our protagonist.
The film review itself tries to explain the plot of the film,  I have used the colour's yellow and blue as a main colour scheme to indicate the connection with the main product. It was very important to use the same scheme to represent our film. The quotation which was taken from a particular scene from the product defiantly works well as it creates a connection with the images above which show's when Nabil approaches the girl.

As it has been stated the review contains many features which work really well with the combination of the film. However, it also shares slight aspects which do not connect very well. One particular feature which is different from the main product is the font style and colour which is used for the title.  The issue i came across whilst making the review was that i used a different program to make it so therefore i had limited access to the techniques i was able to use compared to the program adobe which we used to edit our film. I tried to use a font which was as similar as the one used on the film, but did not use the same colour of the font purposely. This was becuase i thought that the use of the colour black really enhanced the effect of the title as it makes it stand out more.

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We interviewed a few people who were willing to watch our product and give us feedback. Overall, they commented that our film definatly filled the genre and would watch it again. So, therefore the short film successfully attracts our target audience and fulfils their needs.

Here are two videos of two people who would be willing to let us interview them and tell us why they enjoyed the film.
In order for us to stretch our research further and not be fully reliant on our interviews, we decided that we would use a particular online media product which is very popular with our target audience to find out what their interests are regarding the type of films they like.We choose Facebook as our main focus,  we chose facebook for the reason that it reflects on our audiences very well as many people over sixteen and above have access to facebook.

The first Facebook page we looked into was  a young girl aged sixteen, we wanted to see what her favourite movies were andwe wanted to use her page as it suited well with our target audience. As we expected, it seemed that the younger generation tend to favour the action and comedy movies.

                                  ( click to enlarge photo)
Due to the fact that our product is targeted at males and female from the ages of s16-24, we decided that we would research one female at the age of 16 in comparison with a male aged 20 or above.
The second Facebook page we looked into was a male aged 23. His page clearly showed what his favourite movies were; there defiantly was a similarity between the two people we chose as they both liked a mixture of different movies genres. Commonly, the comedy genre was the one which was most favoured the most. Due to their preferences the type of movies they liked was different between the two chosen people.

To conclude, with the support of our thorough research we believe that our product to an extent successfully attracts our target audience.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

New forms of technology were used in order to keep up with the 21st century. For example instead of just writing out everything we used new forms of websites such as Scribd, Photo bucket and Prezi.  For example when it came to do PowerPoint’s of a particular research i.e. Misé-en-scene, we used Prezi. Prezi is a new way of making PowerPoint less dull and conventional and make them more edgy and fun to look at. It is a new way of keeping you entertained while still informing you of information.  Once we got the hang of how to use the website, we used Prezi for ‘ideas of A Loser Like You Poster’, ‘Misé-en-scene of a loser like you’, Snapshots of how to make a loser like you film review’ and more.
Scribd- Scribd is a very popular website that helps people search for new information and become informed by others through searching this one website. You can either post or read and is very easy to use and it’s free, so anyone can use it. We used this when showing our script and shooting list because both files were written in Microsoft and Scribd and therefore allowed the files to be displayed in this format.  It was very easy to use and so everyone could get the hang of it.
Paint and taking pictures through camera- In order to get away from just using the blog to create our research and planning, we instead used a camera to take pictures of our storyboard and uploaded them to the blog. We also used Paint, where we would copy a file or image from word and transfer it to paint and then upload it to the blog. Subsequently we also added borders around on some of the files i.e. Resources and equipment and production schedule to brighten up the file and give it a bit more colour. Then we had to copy and paste this into paint and save it in order to upload in the blog. The reason we had to copy it into paint first then upload it to the blog was because the file could not be copied from word into the blog, so we then had to paste it to paint first. Here is an example of the borders:

Tutorial of the making of A Loser Like You

1) Tutorial of the first main part of making a loser liek you poster in Adobe photoshop CS4

2) Second tutorial of making a loser like you poster (finishing touches)

(Due to the difference between the title in the poster and the title in the film, I had to change the title in a similar font and colour to the film in order to show the relationship between the two. However, the procedure of the making of thiS poster is still exactly the same but just a different font and colour.)

Friday 18 February 2011

Final Film Review

Antigona Saraci and Silva

DRAFT of A Loser Like You Poster

The Process of making our film review

Questionnaires For My Film Review

I decided to conduct a research in order to see whether my magazine review would be popular with the target audience if it contains more images or writings. The questionnaire will also give a clear insight of what my target audience find attractive and what would make them intreseted in reading my review. So therefore i decided to ask which colours are favoured by the teenage generation as our target audience is 16- 25's. I decided to give out ten questionnaires out to seven students attending Canons high and three staff members who were under the ages of 25's. 

Rough Ideas for Film Reviews

I created two rough ideas of how my film review may look like, using my research as a template i decided that i would use two different techniques; one review containing more images than actual writing as this may help my review represent its genre. Secondly, in contrast i would use a layout which contains more writing and a dominating image in the centre of the spreadsheet.
The rough ideas would allow me to conduct a short questionnaire and give out my questionnaire to a fair amount of participants, this would enable me to find out whether the readers and audience would be more intrested in reading my review if it contained more pictures rather than writing.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Ideas for film poster

Codes and Conventions

I have annotated both the short film and feature film poster and seen the difference between them in terms of their codes and conventions. I want to be able to find out why the feature film poster stands out more to the audience than a short film poster.
Analysis poster of The Proposal

Codes and Conventions

- Title stands out to the audience
- The names of the actors always stand out and are mainly placed at the top of the poster. Their surnames are also coloured in a diffreent colour, especially if it is an A-list actor.
-The directors names are not always put emphasis on as much as the actors and are usually in a smaller font or not even in the front cover at all.
- The protagonist is always in the centre to attract the audiences attention
-Background usually tends to be white, especially if it is a comedy genre
- Release date of the film is usually at the bottom in bold letters in order to stand out to the audience, so they know when to watch it.
- Feature film posters have a colour scheme where they tend to use only two/three different colours as their theme. Example The Proposal's colour scheme is Red, Black and White only.
Analysis poster of A Short Film About Love 
Codes and conventions

- Due to short films low budget they usually tend to have their poster in just writing or include only a few number of people.
-The films title has is being put more emphasis than the actual protagonist. This is because short films dont tend to have famous, hollywood actors and therefore the acors they cast are not known to the audience and are therefore not important or attention-grabbing.
-They have the name of their website, where the film can be obtained from
- Finally they dont have a release date, unlike a feature film poster.

Furthermore due to the success of the feature film poster, I am going to edit my film poster in that particular style.


Film posters

These are the two film posters that I will show my target audience when conducting my research.

Feature film poster:

Short film poster:

Questionnaire into Film Posters

These questionnaires are some examples of what the target audience filled in. As a result the feature fil;m poster turned out to be a faviourite because of it's title being bold and eye-catching and it's A-list actors.

Research into Film Posters

To begin with I am going to do my secondary research where I will ask 10 people in canons sixth form within my age group (16-25) and 10 people from Edgware shopping centre also within my age group and show them two posters; one in the style of a short film and the other a feature film poster. I will give them a questionnaire to fill out in order to find out which one they like best. The type of poster they chose will be in the style of my poster, ‘A Looser Like You’.
I chose to conduct my research in Canons High Sixth Form because it includes students who can relate to Nabil’s situation and are the same age as him, therefore this type of audience will be able to understand the storyline better.
I also chose Edgware shopping centre because it includes a variety of different people who are between the ages of 16-25 and this has the advantage of making my results more valid because I have a wide range of people.

Then i will do my primary research where I will see the diffreent codes and conventions of both short film and feature film posters. I want to know why the poster chosen by the audience is more popular than the other. By researching the codes and conventions of the posters i will be able to adopt these ideas into my poster, making it look professional.


Monday 24 January 2011

Research into Film Reviews

Codes And Conventions of Film Magazine Reviews

The main features of film magazine:
  • Main large image
  • Sud-headings
  • Star rating
  • Director and Actors
  • Verdict
  • Name of film
  • Main article review
  • Highlighted part of the article
  • Important information; film release, certificate, running time and plot
  • Secondary image
  • More about the film; Look closer

Production Schedule



Make up and Costume

For our costumes we wanted to create an ideal sterotypical "geek" so therefore we had to be careful of the way we dressed Nabil in order to fulfil that image.

There we thought that a use of a tie can attrack the view that geeks are smart and clever. However, we specifiically chose to use a pink tie which reflected on his personality


 The use of the shirt also reflected on his personality as we wanted to create this view that he tries to wear modern clothes in order to fit in with the other popular people but does not create the correct image.

 Sterotypicllay society assumes that geeks wear big  glasses so therefore it was really important that our actor must have very big glasses in order to reflect on his character and allow the audience to understand his character.

           In order to show the differenceo of Nabil and Lilly character the clothes and make - up we used for essential in order to create the effect we wanted. So therefore, the way we presented Lilly was very important in order to show that her character is one of the popular girls who Nabil admires.

We wanted to create a sweet and innocent image of Lilly, so therefore the colours and the make up we used on Lilly help reflect on this view.

The use of the silver eye shadow on her eyes was used very effectively in order to create the view of Lilly being a sweet and innocent girl. We didnt want to use alot of make up on our character as we were looking for a natural look.
We decided to use a red cardigan as it connotes love and passion.
 We used the black scarf to emphasise on the fact that there is a dark side of her especially on the events where she rejects Nabil.

Sarah and Aldo:

The children we decided that we will simply have them wear their school uniform which also emphasis on their intellegence.