Thursday 2 December 2010

Location Reece at the Library

Due to certain circumstances unfortunately it meant that we were unable to shoot our film in the park. Therefore, we decided that the library would be another location we could use in order to fit well with our genre. We decided to shoot our film in the library as it created a good effective for our film. Our main protagonist fulfils this view of a typical geek so therefore the library was suitable for his character. Stereotypically society assumes that there are typical types of people who would mostly go to the library. Also we chose this location because of what it could provide; the space was big enough in order for us to film our production. Furthermore we did not have to pay any money in order to film our production in this location, because our school was more than happy to let us film our product in our school library. This meant that we were saving much more on our budget. This also meant that we could control many means of the library such as re-arranging most of the furniture the way we wished them to be, and the people in the library were aware of our filming so meant that the sounds of members in and around the library area were better controlled.
 At the start we thought of filming our product in a public library but these variables were issues which we considered which is why we decided to shoot our product in our school, unlike the park, this one raised no complaints/issues and therefore saved us time.


This is a panning shot which we did a trial run before filming our product. We wanted to use this panning shot in order to introduce the scene and let the audience know where it is set. We filmed the panning shot from the entrance of the library all the way round, we discussed whether in the final stage whether we need to pan from the entrance or not, this allowed us to see whether the way the library Is set a panning shot will be effective.

This is video of where the actors are going to be sat, so we have Nabil facing Aldo and Sarah. We decided to do this due to the act that we have Lilly walking in front of him so in order for him to see Lilly he has to have a clear view of where she's going to be.

This a shot of how the tables in the library are set out for the film. We set them out in manner in which it allows us to concentrate on the 180 degree rule not to be mistaken. Also the tables have a bright colour red  for the stands which is effective as it reflects to the romantic part of the story.

At the start of the film, during the panning shot we decided to have Lilly walking around the library in order to show her presence at the beginning of the movie. We want to have Lilly wondering around the library looking for romantic books, we decided to use this scene as the book selves in the library are not very high, so therefore this is effective as we can notice Lilly’s presence easily.


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